What does poverty mean to Christians?

Some members of the Christian community perceive poverty as a social stigma or taboo and tend to equate it with laziness. But Max believes poverty is not limited to the physical. It is also part of one’s spiritual life. He believes spiritual development can come through a physical transformation, which he believes is an integral part of his holistic missions.

In the Bible, John 10:10 says “I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.” Jesus focuses on the poor and the needy just as He promised in the Beatitudes to those who are less fortunate than the others. Max also wants to proclaim the good news to the young children, especially in India and Myanmar, and other neighboring countries.

There is a lot of work to be done, some of which is in isolated places that never heard about Jesus Christ’s love. Overseas, Max prioritizes India and Myanmar because he is more familiar with the language, local culture, and is passionate about the people. He also knows it is a great place to minister because of the large numbers of non-Christian population in those areas.

“A relationship between Christians and unsaved people has proven to be the most effective means of influencing unsaved people to get saved.”

Christians often perceive helping the poor as something not related to evangelism. Max thinks poverty can be defeated through the Gospel. The poor don’t have the same opportunity as others So, it is not about laziness. It is about a lack of opportunity.