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  • Serving Zo people in the USA and beyond!

    Tribal Mercy seeks to address the unique spiritual, physical, educational and emotional needs of Zo immigrants and their families in the USA. Its founder, Max Min Lian, has served the Zo people group in many capacities, across many countries, for over two decades. Max also leads the Tribal Society, striving to meet those same needs amongst the Zo community in their Asian homelands and refugee locations. All of these efforts are done in order to demonstrate the love we believe Jesus Christ has demonstrated for us, and to help us give hope to the members of this tribe and their friends.

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Mercy mission statement

Our mission is to bring justice to the underprivileged kids and eternal hope of Jesus Christ to the tribal people by addressing their spiritual, physical, educational, and emotional needs.

Vision statement

The vision of Tribal Mercy is to empower, educate and train them to be Leaders for tomorrow.

Our Ministry

Find out more about Max and the tribal ministries


Find out more about the Zo people group, countries where they reside, and a blog with latest Zo information

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